AP/ZD/Firmware Selector
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- Unleashed 200.16 What's New Scales up to 150 APs and 16 Switches. 2000 clients Dedicated Master support. Wi-Fi 5 AP support removed Select ICX8200 support for AV profile Supports AP Models H350, H550, R350, R350e, R550, R650, R750, R850, T350c, T350d, T350se, T750, T750se Supports Switches ICX7000 and ICX8000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.15 What's New Scales up to 150 APs and 16 Switches. 2000 clients Dedicated Master support No new AP models released Supports AP Models H320, H350, H510, H550, R320, R350, R350e, R510, R550, R610, R650, R710, R720, R750, R850, M510, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T350c, T350se, T610, T610s, T710, T710s, T750, T750se, C110, E510 Supports Switches ICX7000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.14 What's New Scales up to 128 APs and 8 Switches. 2000 clients Dedicated Master support No new AP models released Supports AP Models H320, H350, H510, H550, R320, R350, R510, R550, R610, R650, R710, R720, R750, R850, M510, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T350c, T350se, T610, T610s, T710, R650, T710s, T750, T750se, C110, E510 Supports Switches ICX7000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.13 What's New Scales upto 128 APs and 8 Switches. 2000 clients Dedicated Master support Supports AP Models H320, H350, H510, H550, R320, R350, R510, R550, R610, R650, R710, R720, R750, R850, M510, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T350c, T350se, T610, T610s, T710, R650, T710s, T750, T750se, C110, E510 Supports Switches ICX7000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.12 What's New Scales upto 128 APs and 8 Switches. 2000 clients New AP models added - H350 and T350SE Supports AP Models H320, H350, H510, H550, R320, R350, R510, R550, R610, R650, R710, R720, R750, R850, M510, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T350c, T350se, T610, T610s, T710, R650, T710s, T750, T750se, C110, E510 Supports Switches ICX7000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.11 What's New Scales upto 128 APs and 8 Switches. 2000 clients Expected to support AP Models H550, R350, T350 Series Supports AP Models H320, H510, H550, R320, R350, R510, R550, R610, R650, R710, R720, R750, R850, M510, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T350c, T610, T610s, T710, R650, T710s, T750, T750se, C110, E510 Supports Switches ICX7000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.10 What's New Scales upto 128 APs and 8 Switches. 2000 clients Supports AP Models C110, E510, H320, T310c, H510, T310d, M510, T310n, R320, T310s, R510, T610, R550, T610s, R610, T710, R650, T710s, R710, T750, R720, R750, R850, T750se Supports Switches ICX7000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.9 What's New Scales upto 128 APs and 8 Switches. 2000 clients Supports AP Models C110, E510, H320, T310c, H510, T310d, M510, T310n, R320, T310s, R510, T610, R550, T610s, R610, T710, R650, T710s, R710, T750, R720, R750, R850 Supports Switches ICX7000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.8 What's New Scales upto 128 APs and 8 Switches. 2000 clients Supports AP Models C110, E510, H320, T310c, H510, T310d, M510, T310n, R320, T310s, R510, T610, R550, T610s, R610, T710, R650, T710s, R710, T750, R720, R750, R850 Introducing ICX Switch monitoring and basic configuration support. Supports Switches ICX7000 Series In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.7 802.11ac wave 1 and 2 - 50 APs only What's New Scales upto 50 APs and 1024 clients Supports AP Models C110, E510, H320, T300, H510, T300e, M510, T301n, R310, T301s, R320, T310c, R500, T310d, R510, T310n, R600, T310s, R610, T610, R710, T610s, R720, T710, T710s
- Unleashed 200.7 802.11ac wave2 only - 128 APs What's New Scales upto 128 APs and 2000 clients Supports AP Models C110, E510, H320, H510, M510, R320, T310c, T310d, R510, T310n, T310s, R610, T610, R710, T610s, R720, T710, T710s In gateway mode, a maximum of 50 APs and 1,028 clients are supported
- Unleashed 200.6 What's New Scales upto 25 Access Points and 512 concurrent clients Supports AP Models C110, T300, E510, T300e, H320, T301n, H510, T301s, R310, T310c, R500, T310d, R510, T310n, R600, T310s, R610, T610, R710, T610s, R720, T710, T710s
- Unleashed 200.5 What's New Scales upto 25 Access Points and 512 concurrent clients Supports AP Models H320, H510, R310, R500, R510, R600, R610, R710, R720, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T610, T610s, T710, T710s
- Unleashed 200.4 What's New Scales upto 25 Access Points and 512 concurrent clients Supports AP Models R310, R500, R510, H510, R600, R610, R710, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T710, T710s
- Unleashed 200.3 What's New Scales upto 25 Access Points and 512 concurrent clients Supports AP Models R310, R500, R510, H510, R600, R710, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T710, T710s
- Unleashed 200.2 What's New Scales upto 25 Access Points and 512 concurrent clients Supports AP Models R710, R310, R500, R600, T710, T710s, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s
- Unleashed 200.1 What's New Scales upto 25 APs and 512 clients Supports AP Models R310, R500, R600, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s
- Unleashed 200.0 Release Notes Scales upto 25 APs and 512 clients Supports AP Models R500, R600
- ZoneDirector 10.5 (ZD1200) What's New Supports AP Models C110, H320, H510, R310, R320, R500, R510, R550, R600, R610, R650, R710, R720, R730, R750, R850, R350, H550, H350, E510, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T610, T610s, T710, T710s, T750, T750se, T350c, T350d, T350se
- ZoneDirector 10.4 (ZD1200) Release Notes Supports AP Models C110, H320, H510, R310, R320, R500, R510, R550, R600, R610, R650, R710, R720, R730, R750, R850, E510, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T610, T610s, T710, T710s, T750, T750se
- ZoneDirector 10.3 (ZD1200) Release Notes Supports AP Models C110, E510, H320, H510, R310, R320, R500, R510, R600, R610, R700, R710, R720, R730, R750, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T610, T610s, T710, T710s
- ZoneDirector 10.2 (ZD1200, ZD3000) Release Notes Supports AP Models C110, E510, H320, H510, R310, R320, R500, R510, R600, R610, R700, R710, R720, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T610, T610s, T710, T710s
- ZoneDirector 10.1 (ZD1200, ZD3000) Release Notes Supports AP Models C110, H320, H500, H510, R300, R310, R500, R510, R600, R610, R700, R710, R720, R730, ZF7055, ZF7352, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7982, E510, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T310c, T310d, T310n, T310s, T610, T610s, T710, T710s, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-E, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-S
- ZoneDirector 10.0 (ZD1200, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models C110, H320, H500, H510, R300, R310, R500, R510, R600, R610, R700, R710, R720, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T610, T610s, T710, T710s, ZF7055, ZF7352, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-E, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-S, ZF7982
- ZoneDirector 9.13 (ZD1200, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models C110, H500, H510, R300, R310, R500, R510, R600, R610, R700, R710, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, T610, T610s, T710, T710s, ZF7055, ZF7352, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-E, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-S, ZF7982
- ZoneDirector 9.12 (ZD1200, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models H500, R300, R310, R500, R600, R700, R710, SC8800-S, SC8800-S-AC, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, ZF7055, ZF7321, ZF7231-u, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7352, ZF7363, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7441, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7762-T, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-E, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-S, ZF7982
- ZoneDirector 9.10 (ZD1200, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models H500, R300, R500, R600, R700, SC8800-S, SC8800-S-AC, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, ZF7055, ZF7321, ZF7321-u, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7352, ZF7363, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7441, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7762-T, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-E, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-S, ZF7982
- ZoneDirector 9.10 (ZD1100) Release Notes Supports AP Models R300, R500, R600, R700, SC8800-S, SC8800-S-AC, T300, T300e, T301n, T301s, ZF7055, ZF7321, ZF7321-u, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7352, ZF7363, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7441, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7762-T, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-E, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-S, ZF7982
- ZoneDirector 9.8 (ZD1100, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models ZF7025, ZF7055, ZF7321, ZF7321-U, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7351, ZF7352, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-T, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-S, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-E, ZF7962, ZF7982, SC8800-S, ZF7441, R300, R500, R600, R700, T300, T301n, T301s
- ZoneDirector 9.7 (ZD1100, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models ZF2741, ZF2942, ZF7025, ZF7055, ZF7321-U, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7351, ZF7352, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-T, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-S, ZF7782-N, ZF7962, ZF7982, SC8800-S, ZF7441, R300
- ZoneDirector 9.6 (ZD1100, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models ZF2741, ZF2942, ZF7025, ZF7055, ZF7321, ZF7321-U, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7351, ZF7352, ZF7372, ZF7372-E, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-T, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-S, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-E, ZF7962, ZF7982, SC8800-S
- ZoneDirector 9.5 (ZD1100, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models ZF2741, ZF2942, ZF7025, ZF7055, ZF7321, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7352, ZF7372, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-T, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7781CM, ZF7782, ZF7782-S, ZF7782-N, ZF7782-E, ZF7962, ZF7982
- ZoneDirector 9.4 (ZD1100, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models ZF2741, ZF2942, ZF7025, ZF7321, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-T, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7942, ZF7962, ZF7982
- ZoneDirector 9.3 (ZD1000, ZD1100, ZD3000, ZD5000) Release Notes Supports AP Models ZF2741, ZF2942, ZF7025, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7761-CM, ZF7762, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-T, ZF7762-AC, ZF7762-S-AC, ZF7942, ZF7962
- ZoneDirector 9.1 (ZD1000, ZD1100, ZD3000) Release Notes Supports AP Models ZF2741, ZF2942, ZF7025, ZF7341, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7762, ZF7762-S, ZF7762-T, ZF7942, ZF7962
ZoneDirector 9.0 (ZD1000, ZD3000) Release Notes
Supports AP Models ZF2741, ZF2942, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7762, ZF7942, ZF7962
ZD3000 9.0 firmware download requires a Premium Support account -
ZoneDirector 8.2 (ZD1000, ZD3000) Release Notes
Supports AP Models ZF2741, ZF2942, ZF7343, ZF7363, ZF7762, ZF7942, ZF7962
ZD3000 8.2 firmware download requires a Premium Support account -
ZoneDirector 8.1 (ZD1000, ZD3000) Release Notes
Supports AP Models ZF2925, ZF2942, ZF7942, ZF7962, ZF2741, ZF7762
ZD3000 8.1 firmware download requires a Premium Support account -
ZoneDirector 8.0 (ZD1000, ZD3000) Release Notes
Supports AP Models ZF2925, ZF2942, ZF7942, ZF7962, ZF2741
ZD3000 8.0 firmware download requires a Premium Support account -
ZoneDirector 7.1 (ZD1000, ZD3000) Release Notes
Supports AP Models ZF7942, ZF2942, ZF2925, ZF2741
ZD3000 7.1 firmware download no longer available
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